Shape Widgets

Adding shape widgets to your designs can help bring your ideas to life. Drag any of the shape widgets out onto your design and customize it to your need.

Some of the things you may want to do with your shapes are as follows:

  • Resize the shape by using the white control dots on the frame of the widget or by using the PROPERTIES on the right hand section of the screen. You can also use these PROPERTIES to rotate and change the opacity of the shape.
  • Add some color to the shape by using the Colorize feature under STYLES on the right hand section of the screen.
  • Turn on and off the border around the shape by using the Stroke feature on the right hand section of the screen. You can also change the color of the border.
  • Add a Drop Shadow to the shape by using the Drop Shadow control under STYLES on the right hand section of the screen.  You can also adjust the details of the drop shadow with the controls below.