2. Administration & Billing

Using Okta SSO with SmarterSign

To set up Okta SSO, follow the instructions given below.

Alternatively, you can call (888) 907-6278 and we’ll be happy to walk through the setup with you.


Admin access to an Okta org

Supported Features

Service Provider (SP)-Initiated Authentication (SSO) Flow - this authentication flow occurs when the user attempts to log in to the application from SmarterSign.

Identity Provider (IdP)-Initiated Authentication (SSO) Flow - this authentication flow occurs when the user attempts to log in to the application from the applications listed in their Okta Domain.

User Federation, role management, etc. are not supported. Users and their SmarterSign roles will still need to be managed from the SmarterSign settings page.

Configuration Steps

  1. In Okta, Go to Applications → Browse App Catalog, and search and add SmarterSign
  2. Assign the users or groups that should be able to log into SmarterSign.
  3. Go to the SmarterSign App → Sign On tab and note of the Client ID and Client Secret.
  4. Contact support with the following information:
  • Okta Domain (looks like acme.okta.com)
  • Client ID
  • Client Secret
  • Your SmarterSign Account Name/Number  (visible in the top right menu in SmarterSign) 

Provision Users and Assign User Groups

As an admin, you can pre-provision users with specific roles by assigning them to user groups. Here’s how:

  1. Log into your SmarterSign Admin Account.
  2. Navigate to Administration > Users.
  3. Click on Invite Users.
  4. Enter the email address of the user you wish to invite.
  5. Assign the appropriate user groups to the user. This will determine the level of access they have within the SmarterSign platform.
  6. Click Send Invite to send the invitation.

Step 2 A: User Login via SmarterSign Login (SP Flow)

Once the user has been provisioned, they can log in to SmarterSign by following these steps:

  1. Visit the SmarterSign login page: https://my.smartersign.com/login.
  2. Enter your email address and click "Next"
  3. The user will be redirected to Okta to authenticate their login.
  4. Once authenticated, they will be automatically redirected back to the SmarterSign account.


Step 2 B: User Login via Okta Domain (IdP Flow)

Once the user has been provisioned, they can log in to SmarterSign by following these steps:

  1. Log into your Okta domain (should look like https://somedomain.okta.com)
  2. Under MyApps you will see the "SmarterSign Digital Signage" application.
  3. Click on the application to launch SmarterSign. 


If you have a pre-existing account in SmarterSign and Okta SSO is enabled for that account, you will no longer be able to access this account using your existing SmarterSign credentials.